Luke 12: 1-12
Pastor-Elder Dave Knowles
Church-wide Fellowship Lunch - 10/13/24
Today is our monthly church-wide fellowship lunch following the morning worship service. Please bring food for your family and to share with others and plan to help with set0up and clean-up.
Proclaim Youth Ministry - 10/18/24
Proclaim Youth Ministry will meet on Friday, October 11th, at 6:00pm, at Pastor Greg’s home. We look forward to seeing you all then.
Adventurer Activity – 10/19/24
Where: Fourth of July Trail, Estancia, NM 87106
When: 10am Saturday, October 19th
Pack your own lunch, and we’ll decide which loop to hike when we get there! If you are interested, please sign up on the sheet on the foyer table.
Communion - 10/20/24
We will celbrate Communion next Sunday, October 20th. Please take time to pray and prepare as we join together remembering Christ's great love for His church.
New Members' Class – 10/20/24
We will be having a 4-week New Members’ Class beginning Sunday, October 20th. Please consider joining us if you would like to become, or get more information about becoming, a member of Heritage. There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer table for those who are interested.
Tests for Treats - 10/31/24
This year's Tests for Treats has a sign-up sheet on the foyer table. Please sign up to be a host home or to help at someone's home. Training will be provided and arranged with those who have signed up.
Women’s Ministry Retreat - 11/1-11/3/24
The Women’s Ministry Retreat will be held at Glorieta Conference Center on November 1st-3rd (Friday evening through Sunday morning). Registration forms are on the back table. Please be sure to turn in your registration form. Payment is due today.